domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

The Energy Revolution

The Energy Revolution is the practical solution to our energy needs. It offers a sustainable path to quit dirty, dangerous fuels by transitioning to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Founding principles
The Energy [R]evolution is based on five founding principles:
· Increase human well-being without fossil fuels.
· Fair energy access for all, including the 2 billion people that are left without power in our current fossil-fuel based energy system.
· Respect for natural limits: use no more resources the Earth can provide us and don't emit more than the Earth and the atmosphere can take back (in particular CO2 emissions).
· Phase out dirty, dangerous fuels like coal and nuclear.
· Use proven, existing renewable energy. Every technology described in the scenario already exists and has been proven to work.

How it works
In this scenario, an ambitious energy efficiency program along with massive development of renewable energy happen in parallel, so that by 2050, the global energy system is 95% powered by renewable energy. Energy will move towards a decentralised system using local renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal.

If governments apply the Energy [R]evolution scenario, it becomes possible to reduce CO2 emissions sufficiently to stop dangerous climate change. It also gives access to electricity to communities who currently don't have any, ensuring a just and sustainable transition for developing countries. It also provides secure and affordable energy supply to take into account economic growth.

Renewable energy can function easily on a small scale and in remote places. In this case, in the Himalayas, this business owner can power her busy guest house with solar energy.

Concentrated solar power, less known can also provide power for large communities. By concentrating the solar heat on one point with large mirrors, it heats the top of the tower to temperatures hot enough to melt steel. The heat is then used for power generation or energy storage.

The Energy [R]evolution is already happening. All these photos are from existing projects that are taking us away from fossil fuels and towards a clean energy future.

Creating jobs
The Energy [R]evolution is also creating a green jobs revolution.
· By 2015 the global power supply sector under the Energy [R]evolution scenario could create up to 4.5 million more jobs than if business continues as usual.
· By 2020 over 8 million jobs in the renewables sector would be created due a much faster uptake of renewables - four-times more than today.
· By 2030 the Energy [R]evolution scenario will create about 12 million jobs - 8.5 million in the renewables sector alone. Without this fast growth in the renewable sector global power jobs would be a mere 2.4 million. By implementing the Energy [R]evolution, there will be 3.2 million more jobs by 2030 in the global power supply sector.

The Energy [R]evolution is also creating a green jobs revolution.
· By 2015 the global power supply sector under the Energy [R]evolution scenario could create up to 4.5 million more jobs than if business continues as usual.
· By 2020 over 8 million jobs in the renewables sector would be created due a much faster uptake of renewables - four-times more than today.
· By 2030 the Energy [R]evolution scenario will create about 12 million jobs - 8.5 million in the renewables sector alone. Without this fast growth in the renewable sector global power jobs would be a mere 2.4 million. By implementing the Energy [R]evolution, there will be 3.2 million more jobs by 2030 in the global power supply sector.

In the business as usual scenario, electricity supply costs will nearly double by 2020. Unchecked growth in energy demand increases in fossil fuel prices and the cost of CO2 emissions result in total electricity supply costs rising from today's US$1,450 billion per year to more than US$2,800 billion in 2020, and US$5,300 billion by 2050.
By moving away from fossil fuels and reducing carbon emissions, we can stabilise energy costs for consumers. Between 2015 and 2020, most renewable energy sources become cheaper than coal.

What governments should do
· No more dirty energy: all plans for dirty energy power plants should be scrapped. The world simply cannot afford to go in the wrong direction anymore
· Stop fossil fuel subsidies: coal and nuclear should no longer be encouraged by governments with interest-free loans and massive subsidies.
· Implement feed-in-tariffs: these tariffs should help renewable energy to compete with dirty energy for the first few years they are on the market. After a few years, the feed-in tariffs can end.
What you can do
· Join the Energy [R]evolutionaries: join the crew of the virtual ship sailing towards a clean energy future
· Spread the word: tell the people you know that a fossil-fuel free future is possible. You can do this any way you want, from tweeting to presenting the full energy [r]evolution to them.
· Implement it: change your light blubs to the energy efficient type, isolate your home better, switch to a green energy supplier if they're available in your country.
· If you own your roof, install solar panels on it. Research which panels and which orientation are the most efficient to get the most out of your solar panels.
· Ask you politician to follow. Research your representative's position on energy. If they support coal and/or nuclear as energy sources, write to them (most representatives have their emails on their website) and ask them if they know about the energy revolution. Keep asking them to support renewable energy.
Ver el siguiente enlace:
Daniel Casique 17646876 CRF

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